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My first real punishment spanking

I'm currently 26 years old as I'm writing this - and just about 2-3 months ago I received my first real Punishment Spanking. I was 25 when it happened, so yes, it took me a quarter of a decade. Although it might seem late, it was the perfect timing for me. As many of you might know, I'm not someone that meets up fast ;). I'm more exclusive, picky, maybe even a little hard-to-get. Besides that, I've been in relationships almost all my life. I've even been engaged for a few years... But all of these relationships were with vanilla guys. I've had the best time, met the most amazing men... - but I always had this weird feeling of missing something. I missed being disciplined, I missed being spanked. And I didn't want to settle for a life with this feeling of missing something. Of course, I had asked multiple vanilla guys/exes to spank me, which was amazing at that time, but the desire to get a real long OTK spanking ending in bruises kept me longing.

After a few months of being single, I felt ready to move on - ready to explore. My goal was to find a real spanko guy in my normal dating age range, someone I could find potentially attractive too. One evening, I was scrolling through FetLife, searching on some tags (I don't really look at my front page/other pictures)... And there he was, bingo. I read this person's profile and felt a sort of safe feeling, a feeling of curiosity. I'm a big feeler - with pictures, people, or profiles, I always feel a certain thing; a gut feeling, my intuition telling me something. This worked online for me that way too. With many profiles I've read, it just didn't feel 'right' - but with this one, it did. I checked if he had sent me a message before, which he hadn't. Bonus points. If he had, I probably wouldn't have reached out. It's weird, I know, but I like to hunt a little. I have more of a men's brain/hunt instinct when it comes to dating (if I can call it that) than anything else.

And there was my little message... I had sent him a 'Hi :)'. Just to see if he would respond, and he did! Yay. From there we started talking, we moved to another app and had a lil voice call to check if we were really the person we said we were. X months later it was time to meet. We finally set a date and had a little plan to explore a certain city with a few events that were going on during that period.

I was nervous, but so damn excited.

The day of the meeting he picked me up from my hotel, and we would drive towards another hotel were we would spend the day and night together. Two strangers on a little adventure, which might seem weird to some, but we had already discovered that we both loved to explore - so it was perfect for us.

I was afraid it would be awkward, but we instantly clicked. We talked, we laughed and we just had the best time getting to know each other. Somewhat rare, since I'm more of a lone-wolf. I love my peace - but I felt at peace spending time with him. After a little while I felt comfortable enough and started to brat around a bit, just to test the waters. And after a few of hesitating hand movements he finally slapped me. It was a slap on my thigh, since we were still in the car and he was driving, but it was perfect.

When we finally checked in to our hotel, we made ready to head out to the event. I hoped he would spank me, but wasn't sure if he would due to limited time. I bratted around and there it was, he dragged me over his knee and spanked me about 20 times, hard and fast - on my leggings. Fuck. I wanted more. That moment I just knew I wanted that for the rest of my life. I wanted spankings and consequences for my behavior. I made it pretty clear that I wanted more, but he said he would give me a real spanking when we got back from the event. God, how much I have hated myself for bringing up that event to him.

We drove to the event. For the next few hours I bratted around a lot. No, I mean it, a LOT. I was genuinely seeking consequences that I knew would come, but I was too impatient. This was something I had desired my whole life.

Finally, we went back to the hotel. He had asked if he could film it - just for us in first instance - and I had agreed. He directed me to a corner and instructed me to wait there. After setting up the camera, he guided me to a chair placed in the center of the room where he sat down and positioned me over his lap. He gave me a little lecture, and all I could think of was how perfect it felt. How much I needed this. After the little lecture I felt his big hands on my butt cheeks. He started spanking me hard and fast. It probably was suppose to hurt, but it just felt amazing to me. I enjoyed every slap, and don't get me wrong - he spanks hard. I just have a somewhat high pain tolerance, which I had told him too. Luckily he had something prepared for that later.

He spanked me long and hard over my leggings, a perfect warm up for a first real spanking I would say. After a bit he dragged down my leggings and started spanking my bare ass. Gosh, now it started to hurt a little, but the feeling of pleasure and finally getting what I wanted won it from the pain. After a while he laid me on the bed and got out his belt. I knew I loved the belt from previous experiences with vanilla guys, and that was not different this time. I enjoyed it a bit too much. But after the belting, he got out a bath brush. Not sure what to expect, I got ready for it.

F M L, yep, that hurts. He spanked me hard with it, bruising my red ass. I started to struggle, and moving around a bit. At first I was a little scared to move - afraid he would stop. But he luckily didn't, he knew exactly what I needed. He just kept me in my place, hold my hand, hold me down and when needed spitted a few words. He continued for a bit, till I really started to move around a lot. He stopped at what, in my opinion, was the perfect timing. It was the perfect first punishment spanking.

On forehand I had asked him to please punish me hard, but did tell him I probably wouldn't cry. I barely do from physical pain, but regardless that - he had pushed me a little. I loved it. And the result of this amazing first experience was a surprisingly bruised booty. I absolutely got what I had deserved.

The moments after the spanking were amazing too. No need for more details other than that it was a perfect spanking and a perfect day ending nicely bruised.

The rest of the day I just felt happier than ever. I felt at peace. A strong desire that I had hidden from myself had now been acknowledged. From this day on I knew this was something needed and couldn't miss anymore.

And guess what, the video of this first real punishment spanking is (of course with permission) now available to watch too. You can find the preview of it on my SpankingTube or buy the complete version on ManyVids or of course SpankingLibrary!

I've been lucky enough to call this first spanker a good friend now. We've met up multiple times, creating amazing, weird, random, adventurous memories together. And of course, creating the best spanking videos. I hope to meet him again soon for another round, maybe because he was my first - but he has been my best spanker yet. Curious about more of our spanking vids? Check out above links. I will write soon about my other experiences with him.

This experience really made me realise and accept who I am. A spanko, someone who needs to be put in place from time to time. A girl that needs to be disciplined to feel at peace. A girl that needs consequences. Is that weird? Probably for a majority of people - yes. But many will understand this feeling and need too. And for everyone who does, or for any girl out there wanting to experience such too, I just want to say a few things.

Be careful. Please.

  • Do not randomly meet up with strangers from the internet, I was lucky that it went well, but it could have gone absolutely wrong.

  • Do not randomly get into a car of someone you don't know. I know I did, and this guy was one of the better ones. But please meet up in a public space before going to a hotel or such. Just so you are sure the vibes are okay.

  • Make clear about what you want, about your limits, about the level of intimacy allowed. If he or she crosses that line or if you feel uncomfortable with any of it - speak up and/or leave.

  • Decide on a safe word if you play with impact. If it hurts in a wrong way, don't be afraid to use it.

  • Let a friend or family member know where you are. Share your location on your phone or the name of the person you will meet up, just to be sure.

Bubble butt getting a OTK spanking


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